Our Goal 服務宗旨
We care for your loved one so you can take care of yourself! Our program provides the best quality of day health care, so you can go about your business during the day with the peace of mind and assurance that your loved one is safe and happy in our center.

Our Staff 專業人員
Our state-licensed professionals include Registered Nurses, Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Registered Dietitians and Pharmacists, Social Workers and Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Each participants is carefully evaluated by our multidisciplinary team of Adult Day Health Care Professionals who design an individualized plan of care for you loved one.

Hours of Operation 服務時間
Monday through Friday 8am to 2pm. Extended hours are available. Please call for more details.

Whom We Serve 服務群體
  • Adults with physical/cognitive impairments 身體和智力損傷的成人
  • Stroke and/or traumatic brain injury patients 中風或是疾病創傷性腦損傷病人
  • The frail elderly, including those with Alzheimer's and other dementia 身體虛弱的年長者包括阿茲海默症以及其他失智者
  • Other adults requiring therapeutic activities, nursing observation/supervision or socialization 其他成年人需要醫療護理,理療以及復健活動
Services We Provide 服務項目
  • Nursing Care, Supervision and Observation 護理服務,監督和觀察
  • Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapies 物理治療和語言治療
  • Social and Recreational Activities 社交娛樂和保健活動
  • Light Exercise Program 晨操和輕微的復健運動
  • Social Services 社會服務
  • Support and Psychosocial Therapy Group 心理諮詢和講座
  • Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care 阿茲海默症和老年失智症護理、